We are delighted to announce that we are putting on a Paul Bradford Sugarcraft School display table exclusively for our Pro members at Cake International (Birmingham, UK) from the 4th to the 6th of November 2016! It has taken a lot of hard work behind the scenes to help make this happen, and Paul and Mish’s persuasive tactics have finally paid off. We’re all really excited about this excellent opportunity to show off what our members are made of!
The display table will allow 36 of our Pro Members to showcase their work at Cake International as part of a larger group display. Paul has chosen a Christmas theme so the display will be made up of a selection of pre-selected designs that are either tutorials on the PBSS website (listed below with links) or from his Christmas Book.

This is an excellent opportunity to display your work at one of the largest cake shows in the world. Magazine coverage has been arranged for the display along with our own social coverage, so this really is an exciting opportunity and great for your CV!
There will be 36 cakes in total and will be allocated strictly on a first come basis. Here´s what´s going to happen:
- An email will go out to all Pro members at 7pm GMT on Monday 13th of June announcing the event. This will also be announced on the private Pro facebook group (if you’re not a member, request access here).
- This advance notice will provide a link to this page allowing Pro members to see the choices of cakes on offer. Note that this is just advance notice as allocation page will not go live until 7pm GMT on Friday 17th of June.
- Members are advised to review the designs on offer and decide which cake they would like to make in advance of the event registration opening.
- At 7pm GMT on Friday 17th of June the event registration will go live. Refresh this page at that time, and you will see the cakes become available. At this point you will then be able to register for one of the cakes. At this point a further email notification will also be sent and a Facebook post published to the Pro FB group announcing that the event is now live.
- Allocations will be strictly on a first come basis by completing the ticket information in the Ticket Information box below.
- Only one cake per person.
- You must be available to drop your cake off on Thursday 3rd of November at a pre-allocated time. You can collect it again from 5pm on Sunday 6th of November.
- Exhibitor passes and parking passes will be provided for the event. This means free entrance to the show!
- Designs can be made from cake or dummy, but you must follow the instructions in the ticket description.
- Some designs allow for some creative free reign, but due to the display tables you must use the board size that Paul´s used in the tutorial.
- All boards must be covered and finished with a ribbon.
- Tip: Take progress shots as magazine coverage has been promised.
- Your cake will be tagged with your name, skill level and the length of time you´ve been cake decorating.
- Confirmation of your allocated design will be via the ticket that you will receive from Eventbrite when signing up. As soon as you receive your ticket you can get to work on your cake
- Contact for this event is: [email protected]
A new private facebook group will be created just for this event. This will be used to share plans and track progress etc, but for anyone not on Facebook we will keep you abreast of developments.
Any queries are to be directed to [email protected] in the first instance.
Paul & Mish x
The Cakes
Here are links to the designs that feature as tutorials on the PBSS site, but please refer to the descriptions in the notes field on ticket booking widget below;
Angel Cake 2ft tall (beginner to advanced)
Angel Cake 3ft tall (beginner to advanced)
Contemporary Cupcake Tower (beginner)
Handbag fit for Mrs Clause (beginner)
Rocking Rudolph (intermediate)
Ice Skate (intermediate)
Christmas Westie Terrier (intermediate)
Winter ABC Blocks (intermediate)
Sitting Reindeer Cake (intermediate)
Standing Rudolph The Reindeer Cake (intermediate)
Santa Clause Cake (3D) (intermediate)
Mrs Clause Shoe and Box (intermediate)
Christmas Moose Cake (intermediate)
Winter Wrap Cake (intermediate)
Christmas Tree Cake (intermediate)
Christmas Baby Elephant (intermediate)
Teddy Bear Sat on Christmas Present (intermediate)
Textured Christmas Wedding Cake (intermediate)
Christmas Poinsettia (advanced)
Winter Carousel Cake (advanced)
The following cakes are detailed in our Christmas Book
Santa Face (beginner)
Penguin Igloo (beginner)
Santa and Sleigh (intermediate)
Gingerbread House (intermediate)
Snowball Fight (intermediate)
End of Shift (intermediate)
The Night Before Christmas (advanced)
New design where you can draw on techniques used throughout the Online Tutorials and the book – This is free reign so go have some fun 🙂
Stacked Christmas Presents (beginner to advanced)
If for any reason, the Eventbrite widget below is not loading for you (seems to be temperamental on some mobile devices), you can visit this link to register on the Eventbrite landing page. Hit the “Details” button at the top of the page to see all of the cakes on offer.