1. Knowing Your Numbers - Part 2
By clicking here you can download and then use and save your very own version of Martin’s Worksheet. If you don’t have an application similar to Microsoft Excel simply click here where you can download a safe, free application that will enable you to open and edit the worksheet. The worksheets are excellent and will really enable you to take control of your finances.
NOTE: You need to download and save your own version as the linked version is read only.
Here Martin further explains the other numbers you need to know including your own lifestyle costs and how to set achievable financial goals. By using these worksheets you will be able to do sales analysis and see if your current practises are sustainable. This then allows you to see what adjustments you need to make to achieve your “inspiring lifestyle”.
Knowing your numbers is one of the most important aspects of running any cake business. Knowing how much is coming in and your overheads is vital for any successful professional cake decorator and in this short tutorial we further explain the other numbers you need to know including your own lifestyle costs and how to set achievable financial goals to run a thriving business.
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