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asked March 29th 2019

Ganache for dripping

Is the ration of white chocolate to cream the same when making ganache to drip the same as when covering a cake


Is the ration of white chocolate to cream the same when making ganache to drip the same as when covering a cake


White ganache for covering has to be stronger than that for dripping so the ratio can be less. A 2:1 ratio will work well, make the drips on a chilled cake.


Thank you made with love. Also I am covering the cake in fondant as the customer wants a marbled effect, can I put the cake in the fridge to chill it and if so how long would I do this for ?


My apologies for such a late reply. I expect you’ve managed an answer already. If you haven’t, I recommend keeping the cake at room temperature for making the drips on a fondant covered cake. Unfortunately most fondant icings absorb moisture if refrigerated and forms condensation which sometimes spoil the decorative look of the cake. If you’re using Massa Ticino tropic, the risk of a problem is less likely.

For more control when making the drips, try using a piping bag. Cut off a tip which allows a decent, equal flow of ganache.


Thank you madeitwithlove I thought that would be the case. I will definitely try the piping bag method.

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