Easy to Make Models Cake Decorating and Baking Tutorial

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Easy to Make Models
with Paul Bradford
Skill level: Intermediate
HD Lessons: 16
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Highlights from the easy to make models course.

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1. Grandma’s legs and skirt

Paul starts by explaining the cake size he uses for this demo. However, I’m sure that you are all using these models for your own designs, but if not, it’s a 6” square cake.

These models are billed as easy and they really are. Watch how Paul quickly rolls out the legs and adds simple slippers and a skirt.

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2. Grandma’s body and arms

In quick time Paul creates the body, cardigan and arms, before joining the body to the legs on the bench.

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3. Grandpa’s legs, body and arms

Using different techniques, Paul creates the legs, body and arms for Grandpa. He didn’t take kindly to David’s joke about Grandpa’s tank-top liking like an old man’s Spider-man outfit!

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4. Grandpa's head, eyes and nose

Getting the size right is very important so watch how Paul goes back and forward until he gets the size just right. He then adds the eyes and nose with just enough detail to give Grandpa some character.

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5. Grandpa - adding the ears, hair and moustache

Paul now adds the ears, hair and moustache to finish off and gives a great little technique in adding the beard.

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6. Grandma’s head, hair, eyes and nose

In this lesson Paul creates all of Grandma’s head in one go. Lots of little, simple steps, but still an overall good finish.

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7. Mum’s legs and skirt

With standing models there’s a bit more to think about, but Paul always has a solution. Watch how he creates the standing legs, Spanish style skirt and the cute little shoes.

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8. Making Dad’s legs

Moving on Paul begins to work on the Dad’s legs and shows you how to make some simple and effective trainers.

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9. Mum’s body and arms

Mum gets a shaped torso before adding the arms, which are placed gently on Grandpa.

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10. Mum’s head

Time to finish mum by adding the head, hair and facial features.

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11. Making Dad

Paul repeats many of the same processes for making Dad as shown in the previous lessons, just giving them a masculine twist.

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12. Making the little girl

Paul opts for a colourful, frilly yellow dress and top to bring the little girl to life. It’s then a case of copying the head from the previous models before Paul comes back to finish by adding the hair.

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13. Making the little boy

This is the easiest model of all where Paul used very basic techniques. However, he was still able to get a good result in a very short period of time.

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14. Other Ideas

Some other ideas for the easy to make models.

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15. Pro Lesson

How much you would retail the models at, including costs, overheads and much more.

Easy to Make Sugar Models Cake Tutorial

Learn how to make these lovely easy to make sugar models with this simple to follow tutorial. Join the multi-award winning Paul Bradford, as he shows you step by step how to create this mesmerising cake!

Perfect for those looking to improve their sugar models work, there are lots of great techniques to learn in this one!

In the following tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Make basic shapes
  • Understand the basics of modelling
  • Create facial expressions
  • Merge and combine modelling shapes
  • and much, much more

Don’t forget to share your interpretations of this wonderful cake with Paul and the rest of the CakeFlix community on our Facebook group.

View hundreds of more world-class tutorials only at www.cakeflix.com.

Paul Bradford

Paul Bradford

Paul Bradford´s mission is to ‘Empower people to achieve their cake decorating dreams’ by providing a range of cake decorating courses and online tutorials through their website, which currently teaches 195,000+ students.  
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