Teenage Witch Cake Decorating and Baking Tutorial

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Teenage Witch
with Paul Bradford
Skill level: Intermediate
HD Lessons: 14
Decorating time: 6 hours
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Bite Sized

Watch Paul make this Teenage Witch cake in just one minute!

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Highlights from the Teenage Witch tutorial.

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1. Icing the cakes

Keep in mind when covering your cakes remember to cover your cake fast because if you roll it out too thin the icing may begin to crack. Likewise if you roll it out too thick it might not be pleasant for the customer to eat.


Paul mentions putting a central dowel system in the middle for the board however between lessons he decides to put the cake to the edge of the board to fit the legs and feet so match your dowel accordingly.

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2. Icing the board

In this lesson Paul shows you how to cover the board with a glorious marble effect.

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3. Making the legs

Paul rolls out the sugarpaste to make cute striped stockings for our witch. Just make sure the stripes are evenly cut for each stocking so that it doesn’t look like our witch has had a bad laundry day!

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4. Adding the skirt

To add a little extra vava voom Paul uses a textured rolling pin to add a little more depth.

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5. Arms & hands

Paul shows you how to make the arms with textured frilly cuffs along with cute little hands.

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6. Making the shoes

Paul keeps it simple with the shoes in this lesson, using sugarpaste to curl and taper into shape.

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7. Eyes, nose and mouth

Keeping it simple again as Paul goes for a doll face for the witch.

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8. Making the hair

Paul decides to go for paneled hair with a lovely red/orange colour.

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9. The witches’ hat

Paul cuts out several discs of  black sugarpaste and wraps more sugarepaste around some tin foil then Bob’s your uncle you have a witches hat!

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10. Finishing touches

For a finishing touch Paul adds a lovely bow to the hat and a little gloss to the eyes.

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11. Other Ideas

Some other ideas from the Teenage Witch course.

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12. Pro Lesson

Everything a pro needs to know about distributing a cake like this.

Teenage Witch Cake Tutorial

Learn how to make this cute Teenage Witch cake with multi-award winning Paul Bradford!

In the following tutorial, you will learn how to…

  • create a Halloween character
  • create simple facial features
  • create hair quickly
  • cover a marbled board
  • and much, much more

Don’t forget to share your interpretations of this wonderful cake with Paul and the rest of the CakeFlix community on our Facebook group.

View hundreds of more world-class tutorials only at www.cakeflix.com.

Paul Bradford

Paul Bradford

Paul Bradford´s mission is to ‘Empower people to achieve their cake decorating dreams’ by providing a range of cake decorating courses and online tutorials through their website, which currently teaches 195,000+ students.  
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