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asked March 14th 2014

Edible Art – Not Edible

Hi, Just seen the notice on face book regarding the sale of this form of glitter.
“Businesswoman sold ‘edible’ cupcake glitter made from shredded plastic” I have used this and even asked the question when I was in the store to make sure I was not sprinkling something on my cupcakes that should not be used. I was told it was completely safe. Is there any glitter (which I love using) that you can let me know that is safe. Its such a worry I have several of these in my cupboard. Hopefully posting this will ensure other people do not make the same mistake. Thanks


Hi, Just seen the notice on face book regarding the sale of this form of glitter.
“Businesswoman sold ‘edible’ cupcake glitter made from shredded plastic” I have used this and even asked the question when I was in the store to make sure I was not sprinkling something on my cupcakes that should not be used. I was told it was completely safe. Is there any glitter (which I love using) that you can let me know that is safe. Its such a worry I have several of these in my cupboard. Hopefully posting this will ensure other people do not make the same mistake. Thanks


Rainbow Dust make edible glitters, you can find details here: http://www.rainbowdust.co.uk/t/FoodSafety but regardless of manufacturer if its edible it should state this on the label, list the ingredients (usually E numbers!) and have a best before date. I have some old glitters which are not considered edible anymore but I still use them for decorations that are stuck on the cake board and won’t be eaten!


And here is the advice issued by the FSA http://www.food.gov.uk/news-updates/news/2012/apr/glitter#.UyNz-4VwbIU

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