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asked June 3rd 2013

Glossy ganache

Just wondering does anyone know how to get your ganache nice and glossy for pouring and decorating cakes.


Just wondering does anyone know how to get your ganache nice and glossy for pouring and decorating cakes.


Hello nigel-mellon

There are lots of ways for making glossy ganache, it depends what application you need it for. This is how I make a simple pouring ganache:

225g dark chocolate
180 ml whipping cream with fat content 36%
30 g butter
In a bowl, chop chocolate into small piece. Place butter and cream in a sauce pan and bring just to the boil. Pour over the chocolate, wait a couple of minutes and gently incorporate to make a glossy emulsion. Let it cool slightly and pour over the cake encouraging the glaze to trickle down the sides. Try not to spread the glaze with a spatula or knife as it will lose it’s shine. Allow the glaze to set up ( it won’t go completely firm) before adding any decorations.


Thanks for that. I will give it go.

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