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asked January 13th 2018

Is there a PBSS truck/lorry cake tutorial?

I’ve searched on here but I can’t see one, that said each time I search I see new things that are older!! So I may just be missing it. Or is there one that anyone on here would recommend? Thank you all.


I’ve searched on here but I can’t see one, that said each time I search I see new things that are older!! So I may just be missing it. Or is there one that anyone on here would recommend? Thank you all.


Hi Kierstie77

The closest to a truck on the site is the fire engine cake as seen here:

Fire Engine Cake

What type of truck cake tutorial are you looking fo? There are time lapse tutorials on youtube which you may find as useful guides: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=truck+cake+tutorial
… and perhaps this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmG1yibyap8

You might find other guides or tutorials by googling ‘how to make a lorry cake’

Hope some of these suggestions help.

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