Cake International 2-4th November 2018, NEC Birmingham.
Take a trip to a place where everything you see and everyone you meet is dedicated to your favourite thing – cake…
Cake International is the number one destination for those with serious cake-related wanderlust. Bakers, cake decorators and cake artists gather together to share new discoveries and creations, developing the skills that collectively allow the worldwide art of cake decorating to flourish and grow.
Celebrating its 25th flagship show at NEC, Birmingham from 2 – 4 November 2018, Cake international is where you can see the most ground-breaking, avant-garde cake art created around the world. It’s a calendar highlight for cake connoisseurs and beginner bakers alike!
Visitors will be treated to over 125 top cake exhibitors, a display of stunning competition pieces and some fabulous features. Catch demonstrations from cake stars and see feature giant displays and creations by Daniel Diéguez, Pebroyon, Ben Cullen and Molly Robbins, with inspiration from literature, fantasy and circus!
Peruse the Cake Competition display area, to see hundreds of cakes from wedding to floral, with one lucky artist taking away the coveted Best in Show trophy.
Cake International is also the world’s largest cake decorating shop! Pick up all the tools tool or accessories you could want. There’s all this plus visitors can do some hands-on learning with daily programmes of workshops, talks and demonstrations.
For tickets and information visit www.cakeinternational.co.uk