How to make sugar Lavender


Lavender is a a very quick and effective way to bring a woodland scene to life. As Paul demonstrates here its extremely quick to make and as you’ll see from the image looks very realistic.

This forms part of the Woodland wedding cake with a series of flowers being made including Foxglove (live on the online courses this week) Honeysuckle, wild strawberries, pansies, daisies and ivy.

Once they are all ready Paul will show how to add them to the cake with maximum impact and show the various ways to arrange the decorations.

If you are interested in attending one of Paul’s courses then the 5 Day Intensive course is perfect if you’re serious about cake decorating. There’s still a place available for the 20th August where you’ll learn a range of cake decorating skills including using ganache, sugarpaste, sugar flowers, models, modelling chocolate and there’s even a part on how to set up and run a profitable cake business. Further details on this and other courses you can attend with Paul available on our Attend a Course section.

Hope you enjoy making the Lavender from the lesson here.

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