Tutorial Preview
Bite Sized
Watch Sachiko create her models in just one minute!
Some highlights from the whole course!
1. Tools & Materials and Opening Tips
Review of the Tools and Materials needed for this project and some general notes about Fondant Handling.
2. DIY Body Structure
Shaping the internal wire support of the figures’ structure.
3. Lesson 3 - Painting Eyeballs
The secrets of how to make amazingly lifelike eyes!
4. Cake in A Cocktail Glass
Layering the cake layers into a large decorative cocktail glass.
5. Street Gas Lamp Post
How to construct a nostalgic Old Fashion Lamp Post.
6. Mr. & Mrs. Claus’ Face
Creating the expressive faces of the The Claus Couple with notes on important finishing facial feature touches.
7. Adjusting Wire Support Structure
It’s important to adjust the Wire Support as you make your figures to ensure that they are properly balanced and secure.
8. Mr. Claus’ Body
Getting down to work on Santa Claus’ Arms, Legs, Hair, Beard and clothes and his hat.
9. Mrs. Claus’ Body
Continuing onto adding Mrs. Claus’ Arm and Legs, etc.
10. Final Touches and Cake Placement
Just some last minute touches to the figures before Sachiko shares some tips on the best way to place figures on the cake.
11. Other Ideas
Some other ideas and Happy Holiday wishes to You and Your Family!
12. PRO Lesson
Some interesting insights for the Professional Baker related to reviewing your work, placement and pricing.
Cha-Cha-Cha Christmas Figures
Once Santa finishes delivering all the gifts on Christmas Eve, he hurries back to the North Pole for the Annual Workshop Christmas Party! With the year’s work finally done, Mr. & Mrs. Claus and all the elves and reindeer celebrate with the hottest party in the Arctic! As some of you may already know, the Claus’ are a couple that really enjoys learning new dances and this year at the party they are premiering their Cha Cha Cha moves! And this Detailed and Fun Tutorial is a Great Way to celebrate the Holidays at Your Home. The tutorial takes participant through all the steps, A to Z of creating this Festive and Heart warming conversation centrepiece including Cake Layering, Figure Structure, Outfit Detail, Expressive Faces and Lamppost construction!
This tutorial is geared towards Intermediate to Advance Cakers, but Beginners looking for fun stimulation will also find lots to learn! With such a challenging year, it is sincerely hoped that this tutorial will provide you and your family with inspiration, happiness and some light… Happy Holidays!
In the following tutorial, you will learn how to…
- Make DIY Structures
- Model faces and fun expressions
- Construct an easy gas lamp post
- Create figures with active dancing poses and body proportions
- and much, much more
Don’t forget to share your interpretations of this wonderful cake with Paul and the rest of the CakeFlix community on our Facebook group.
View hundreds of more world-class tutorials only at www.cakeflix.com.