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asked September 13th 2013

10 inch square maderia

Hi all can anyone give me a recipe for a 10 inch square cake plz x


Hi all can anyone give me a recipe for a 10 inch square cake plz x


Hi firechick, I always use the Lindy Smith recipe which you can find here: http://www.lindyscakes.co.uk/2009/12/17/baking-the-perfect-madeira-cake/. It always works really well for me and gets plenty of compliments! You can convert to the size and shape you want here: http://www.cakebaker.co.uk/baking-tin-size-conversion-calculator.html. Hope that helps.x


Hi firechick

Here http://www.church-poverty.org.uk/kindleaflame/files/recipes you’ll find madeira recipe for all different sizes.
I’ve used their recipes which have turned out well for me.

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