Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A
3 FREE tutorials
Hi, I seem to be having trouble accessing the 3 free tutorials just ordered. Does it take a while for them to appear on my courses?
Hi, I seem to be having trouble accessing the 3 free tutorials just ordered. Does it take a while for them to appear on my courses?
Hi Paula
Please drop an email to [email protected] with your query and a member of customer service will be able to help you.
Enjoy your free tutorials. 🙂
Hi how do I get the free 3 tutorial ? Thank you
Hi Audreyscakes
Please send an email to [email protected] and a member of customer support will be able to help you,
You could also use this contact form: https://www.cakeflix.com/contact-us
Hope your query is soon sorted out.
I’ve paid for tutorials but can’t find them
Hi Christine2705
Your courses will be in your account which is accessed by clicking on the ‘My account’ tab at the top of this page. select ‘my courses’. If you have already tried that and are still having problems, please email [email protected] with your query. There is more information here: https://www.cakeflix.com/faqs
Scroll down to ‘Individual Purchase Support’.
Hope this help and you’re soon enjoying your purchases. 🙂