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asked March 30th 2013

3D cake decorations

How do you make a 3D edible Martini Glass?


How do you make a 3D edible Martini Glass?


Hi Louco1

If you are making a gum paste glass use a real glass as the template. Put lots of corn flour inside the glass and coat it well. Mould gum paste inside of the glass to get the shape. Leave it to harden, it should pop out straight away when dry. Make the stem shape, roll a cone and gradually thin out the stem, mould the fat part of the cone for the bottom of the glass. Put a skewer into the stem part to give it support, leaving about 2 inches above the stem. Turn the stem upside down and poke the skewer into a sturdy piece of foam, leave to dry. Once both parts are dry, cut off the skewer at the top of the stem and using royal icing glue the two parts together. I hope this makes sense! If you want a chocolate glass, use chocolate modelling paste, instead of corn flour coat with cocoa powder.

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