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asked June 24th 2019

Accredited tutors

Hi, I am looking to do some courses. I’m trying to find any accredited tutors in Scotland.
Hope you can help.


Hi, I am looking to do some courses. I’m trying to find any accredited tutors in Scotland.
Hope you can help.


Hi Dawn

I believe Sheila Jones is an accredited tutor. Take a peek at her details here:

Accredited Tutor Success Stories | Sheila Jones, Mrs Jones Cakes

However, for more information please contact customer support via the following form:

Contact Us

Hope this helps and good luck 🙂


Hi Dawn,

If you are interested in becoming an Approved Tutor then we now run these courses in Spain.

There’s a course on this week (24-28 Jun 19) so watch for Facebook Lives on Tuesday and Friday where our new tutors will be involved. With cheap flights to Spain and a collection service from the airport it’s not as expensive as you might think.

Next course is to be held 30th September to 4th October and there are still two places available.

For more info on becoming an Approved Tutor check out….https://www.paulbradford.co.uk/attended-courses/train-the-trainer-2019/

Contact: [email protected] for further details.

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