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asked October 14th 2015

adding more chocolate to ganache

how do I make ganache thicker if I realise its too runny after taking out of the fridge


how do I make ganache thicker if I realise its too runny after taking out of the fridge


Hello MariaJoaoFerreira

Melted chocolate can be added to already made ganache to thicken it. Depending on what ratio chocolate to cream you have use will determine how much more chocolate to add. If it is very runny start by adding 50g of melted chocolate. Melt the chocolate in the microwave on medium heat, add to the ganache and allow it to thicken. If you need to add more do the same again until you have the consistency you want for your application.


Warm the existing ganache up so both the melted chocolate and ganache are about the same temperature. This will help the two mixture incorporate without getting lumpy.


Thank you … will give it a go

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