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Airbrush interchanging colours splattering on rainbow themed cake
Hi I need to do a rainbow themed emoji poop cake. The best way is to airbrush it. I’ve been practising and when I layer each different colour and cleaned the airbrush inbetween each colour it is still splattering. Also when I’m changing from say blue to red the blue splatters can be seen in the red. What am I doing wrong? I want it to look fabulous and clean.
Hi I need to do a rainbow themed emoji poop cake. The best way is to airbrush it. I’ve been practising and when I layer each different colour and cleaned the airbrush inbetween each colour it is still splattering. Also when I’m changing from say blue to red the blue splatters can be seen in the red. What am I doing wrong? I want it to look fabulous and clean.
Hi gucci906
I’m no expert on airbrushing and I do know what you’re experiencing. I’ve found a couple of other forums which may be useful to read for better understanding of what’s happening. Take a peek here:
There are several tutorials in youtube which may also help.