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Album powder royal icing
Can you please advise how long Royal Icing that has been made up with powdered egg last?
Can you please advise how long Royal Icing that has been made up with powdered egg last?
Hi Lyndaplatts
From my own experience and from information which I have read any Royal icing should keep well for two weeks. I’ve personally never used it after that time. To store Royal icing, protect it from moisture by carefully wiping out the inside walls of the container it is in with a damp cloth or sponge. This is to remove all trace of icing which might harden and cause problems for you later. Cover the icing with a piece of clingfilm so it presses right down onto the icing, press out any trapped air bubbles then put another layer of cling across the bowl and put the whole lot in an air tight container. Don’t put it in the fridge as it will attract moisture and spoil your icing.