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Aldi sugarpaste
Just wondering if anyone knows who makes Aldi’s sugarpaste? I bought some as a cheap option to cover cake boards and ended up using It to cover a Christmas cake. I have to say it was really easy to work with and gave a really good smooth finish. Impressed!
Just wondering if anyone knows who makes Aldi’s sugarpaste? I bought some as a cheap option to cover cake boards and ended up using It to cover a Christmas cake. I have to say it was really easy to work with and gave a really good smooth finish. Impressed!
I should add that this isn’t Dr Oetker which I’ve seen it there, it’s the one in their ‘The Pantry’ range.
Hi Julie
Aldi advise that Renshaw’s is their supplier for the Pantry range sugarpaste. I believe Renshaw’s supply lots of other supermarkets too. There is a lot of sugarpate discussion on the site, some of it is very old content but still gives a reasonable idea how people rate different brands. To see the comments, type ‘sugarpaste in the search box. Click on relevant threads. Hope this helps.
Renshaws…. I wouldn’t have guessed that before I bought it. A bargain at less than £1.80/kg – I’ve been back today to stock up! Massa Ticino is my sugarpaste of choice, but it is expensive so I’m trying to save it for those cakes that really benefit from it. Thanks for the reply MIWL.
We gotta save where we can! Happy baking and decorating 🙂
Thanks that’s very interesting to know .Will give it a go .
I hope it works for you and wasn’t just a fluke for me! Please let me know how you get on.
I bought some too, and was very impressed with it, although I’ve not cared much for renshaws previously, think I paid about £1.60
Just an update to my initial post……I’ve had good results using the Aldi sugarpaste straight out of the packet (as white), but just tried to colour it and results not as good. I coloured a pack green and had to work the sugarpaste quite a lot to get the right shade (Sugarflair paste colours). As a result it was quite soft and tore when I put it onto a square cake. Not wanting to waste the pack I added some white Massa Ticino to try and give it more body. I probably added 200-250g Massa to 1kg of the Aldi sugarpaste. I just about got away with it, not perfect but saved wasting the Aldi paste and saved money by not using all Massa Ticino! I’ll definitely use Aldi again but only when I know I’ll not have to colour it, or when I can get away with airbrushing the colour on.
Thanks for the update Julie. I find the same thing happens with Satin Ice White and believe it or not Massa white!
Colouring them up the day before or adding a small amount of tylose seems to help the performance. I add a teaspoon and no more, of tylose to 500gm of paste and leave it overnight to activate. Any more than that it turns into gumpaste.
Hi guys, me again. Following the success of completing the westie tutorial, first time ever doing a ?.( I tried to post pictures of your Facebook but not sure it worked) I have been asked to do a cat, just wondered if you think the tutorial could be used to make it into a cat. I know face/ head and legs shapes would be needing changed . Any thoughts and suggestions , Always gratefully received xxx Lauren