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asked September 1st 2014

Alternative to alcohol


For the painting Faye used alcohol. What is alternative to be used.

Is it possible to get the exact type of transparent flat edge smoother that she used in uk

Thank you



For the painting Faye used alcohol. What is alternative to be used.

Is it possible to get the exact type of transparent flat edge smoother that she used in uk

Thank you


Hi muyinat

You can achieve a similar look by airbrushing with water based colours. Water would destroy the icing if you paint with it in large quantities as in the tutorial. When using an air brush, the amount of water delivered soon evaporates although the cake will still be wet but would dry quite quickly for the next paint layer to be applied.
The company Rainbow dust make water based metallic colours. To see their range look here:
The link is for trade customers only, I’ve give it for you to see what they make. The colours can be bought from most online cake decorating companies, Amazon and ebay.
For the scraper, it may be better to contact Faye Cahill at her facebook or website. The details are here under the video http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/an-interview-with-faye-cahill



Thank you for the response. Will it be possible to use rejuvenator spirit with the dust and if I will still get the similar effect as Faye.


Rejuvenator spirit is alcohol as well but not in the same sense as drinking alcohol. If you’re seeking for a completely alcohol free substances this would not be suitable. However yes you could use it but it would be expensive unless you can get big bottles of the fluid.


link for the smoothers




Thanks Jackie x

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