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alternative to buttercream
Hi everyone, has anyone got an alternative to butter cream for children’s cakes, my grandson finds butter cream to sickly.
Thanks all
Hi everyone, has anyone got an alternative to butter cream for children’s cakes, my grandson finds butter cream to sickly.
Thanks all
Hi jenkins
I’m all the way with your grandson, but I do like the meringue type butter creams which are a lot less sweeter.
French butter cream does use a lot of butter but tastes like heaven, it’s made with boiled granulated or caster sugar so it’s very smooth. I would advise refrigerating as it does contain egg yolks but the boiled sugar does cook them. There’s also Swiss and Italian butter cream too, you’ll find lots of recipes online, just google it.
How about cream cheese frosting or peanut butter and jam? ( you haven’t said your GS’s age). If refridgerating isn’t an issue, whipped cream with a little icing sugar and flavouring or even fresh fruit is good, as is creme patisserie. Dark chocolate ganache 40-46% cocoa solids is not very sweet but not bitter either. Well these are just a few alternatives but there are lots of others, too many to list here, hope this helps.
Hi jenkins,
If you type in on ebay alternative to cream it should take you to a company that sells this really wonderful cream you just add water & it’s just like ice cream when it’s in a cake. It’s really tasty & very light,
might be worth a try, i prefer this to buttercream