Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked March 15th 2013

‘Am I imagining this?’

Was there ever a cake tutorial with sugar bunny? I know there is the sugar bunny tutorial but I’m sure there was
an Easter scene cake …..???? And wasn’t there a blog about the Italian magazine La Cucina in which Paul featured? I can’t have imagined all of this …….. Please someone HELP!!


The Easter cake definitely existed as I copied the rabbit for a new baby cake!


And I think the cake that was in Cucina Chic was the bronze/gold coloured wedding cake with hydrangeas on it?


Haa!! I knew I wasn’t going around the twist!! Just look at my spelling for my question heading, can’t spell out of frustration looking for that cake and blog. At least you’ve cleared up the mystery Doodlecake, so thank you very much for restoring my sanity. Now I wonder whether there is any possibility for them returning? xx


There was one at some time – if you look at some of the earlier videos, there is one on the display stands behind Paul. I also looked at www.trulydesignercakes.co.uk as I am sure I saved a picture from there for the rabbit and to do for my Easter cake, but it’s not there. Maybe they have disappeared with the changeover to the new site – teething problems!


Hi Meg A Cake

I think you’re right, bunny has hopped off in the change over. Thank you for posting the Truly Scrumptious link, I can’t find a bunny cake on there but it was lovely to have a browse. Did you notice all the PBSS tutorial cakes?
Really gorgeous! x


Hi all,

I don’t think there ever was one I think you are thinking of a photo tutorial we did for a magazine around this time last year. if you go to this url I’ve uploaded an image of it https://www.cakeflix.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/P1030136.jpg

I’ve just spoken to David and we are going to get this photo tutorial up on the blog this afternoon as a little Easter give to our members 🙂


Paul Doffman


Hello Paul

I must have dreamed it! funny thing is I can see Paul doing the tutorial …… thanks for putting it on the blog it’s a lovely gift and much appreciated. x

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