Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked October 22nd 2013

Angel cake video.

Hello Paul, please I need an urgent answer for a cake to be delivered this Saturday, what is the offence between wafer paper and rice paper, are they the same, all I have is rice paper, wil
It give me that effect I need for the white Angel cake decor.
Many Thanks.
Evelyn Karo.


Hello Paul, please I need an urgent answer for a cake to be delivered this Saturday, what is the offence between wafer paper and rice paper, are they the same, all I have is rice paper, wil
It give me that effect I need for the white Angel cake decor.
Many Thanks.
Evelyn Karo.


Hi EvelynKaro

Rice paper and wafer paper are the same thing, one is made from potatoe starch the other from rice starch.


I tried the effect Paul used on the winter wedding cake, it was a dismal faliure! (Several times)
The only reason I came up with, was that I had used rice rather than wafer paper, but if it’s the same thing then where else could I have gone wrong?


Hi Casey

Wafer and rice paper are both starch based materials. One is made from potato starch and the other with rice. There is no real difference between them. It’s possible that your batch may have been a little dry and brittle which can be easily remedied. There are lots of tutorials online, google how to soften edible wafer paper’ to see them or you could use the following product:

Small amounts of shortening rubbed in with a soft paint brush using circular motion also helps. The fat is absorbed into the paper and makes it more pliable. Hope your next try is more successful. 🙂

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