Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked October 31st 2016



I make a cake for each cadet when they turn 18 at my army cadet centre in Bath. I have one who wants to be an Apache helicopter pilot!! – any chance you could do one to help me? So far I have done a tank, climbing wall, army radio, guardsman, navy hat, boot & cleaning kit and a grenade!



I make a cake for each cadet when they turn 18 at my army cadet centre in Bath. I have one who wants to be an Apache helicopter pilot!! – any chance you could do one to help me? So far I have done a tank, climbing wall, army radio, guardsman, navy hat, boot & cleaning kit and a grenade!


Hi Jen

If you google Apache helicopter cake tutorials you’ll see some helpful guides. These are not full tuts but will give you an idea where to begin. Simple drawings of the aircraft can be downloaded from the internet and used as cutting guides. To find drawings, google ‘Apache helicopter templates’
Paul is always open to tutorial suggestions. To put in a request for a future tutorial, contact the site using this form: http://www.cakeflix.com/contact-us

Hope this helps and good luck with your helicopter cake!

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