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Applying edible lustre all over cake
I would love to apply edible lustre to my daughters wedding cake bit have tried it on a dummy and it just went streaky! I used rejuvenator spirit and sugar flair edible lustre I even bought a really good brush! Was wondering if I could just apply lustre powder dry to have similar effect! Terrified of ruining cake!
I would love to apply edible lustre to my daughters wedding cake bit have tried it on a dummy and it just went streaky! I used rejuvenator spirit and sugar flair edible lustre I even bought a really good brush! Was wondering if I could just apply lustre powder dry to have similar effect! Terrified of ruining cake!
Hi Lynne
The trick is to make up a good amount of the lustre and IPA solution so the brush can be well loaded to spread the paint during application without streaking. Cake Stuff have large bottles of IPA in stock now which would be better than using the small bottles of rejuvenator spirit. Here’s the link for the IPA:
I use a fan shaped paint brush although most demonstrations show a big blusher type. Faye Cahill and Paul both have tutorials showing this technique in the wedding section.
If you prefer not to use the IPA, rub the cake evenly all over with a litte trex/crisco and then brush with lustre.
There are several tutorials in youtube which show this method, just search ‘ how to lustre cake using crisco’.
This is an easier method, however does use up more lustre than the painting method. If you’re still at the experimenting stage, how about practicing both ways and seeing which you like best?
EDIT: Also available are the lustre sprays from PME. They’re a tad expensive and can streak if instructions on the can are not followed. Google it by name for suppliers.