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Artic Lorry Tutorial
Hello everyone,
Has Paul made an Artic Lorry tutorial? I have made Fire engines, cars, vans, trucks, but never an arctic cab and trailer. Also it will be a considerable size , thanks in advance for any advice, i have searched the internet, you tube
Hello everyone,
Has Paul made an Artic Lorry tutorial? I have made Fire engines, cars, vans, trucks, but never an arctic cab and trailer. Also it will be a considerable size , thanks in advance for any advice, i have searched the internet, you tube
Hi treacle
While there are no tutorials for articulated lorries, there are some guides for similar vehicles which may help with where to begin. Have a look at the following to point you in the right direction:
and if you search in google or in youtube ‘Overnite Truck Time Lapse – Cakes by Graham, you’ll see a quick time video on construction which may also be of help.
I think it’s a case of gathering information and putting it together as there doesn’t appear to be a complete tutorial any where. There may also be some helpful tips in Paul’s fire engine tutorial. You could also put in a request to Paul. He’s always open to suggestions, and as a bonus he seems to love doing vehicle cakes! Use the following form and get in touch:
I’m sorry I can’t be of more help. If I come across anything else I’ll post in this thread. xx