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asked July 2nd 2014

baileys cake recipe

hi is their a baileys wedding cake recipe or can I use my usual chocolate sponge and pour over the baileys when cooling on top so it soaks in and is their a tasty filling or would you normaly make it baileys buttercream
thank you xx


hi is their a baileys wedding cake recipe or can I use my usual chocolate sponge and pour over the baileys when cooling on top so it soaks in and is their a tasty filling or would you normaly make it baileys buttercream
thank you xx


Paul just drizzles Baileys over his moist chocolate cake. You can use any chocolate sponge cake recipe.
Any complimenting filling can be used eg orange, raspberry, mint, black currant.
These are just a few flavour ideas, there are many more, which can be made either as ganache or butter cream.


thank you that’s fantastic :0 xxx

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