Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A
Batmobile Cake
Hello Paul,
I’ve been asked a few times by family and friends for a “Batmobile cake”,( the actual cake and realistic looking one) , not as a topper. Would you be kind enough to include this project in the tutorial ?
Hello Paul,
I’ve been asked a few times by family and friends for a “Batmobile cake”,( the actual cake and realistic looking one) , not as a topper. Would you be kind enough to include this project in the tutorial ?
Hi Roseawan
Paul is always open to suggestions for future tutorials. You can make a request by writing into the site using the following form: http://www.cakeflix.com/contact-us
I hope you get lucky with the batmobile! However, if you’re in a pinch, have a look in you tube where you’l find a couple of tutorials and search also in google images for tutorials which will take you to sites with batmobile cake guides. 🙂
Thanks madeitwithlove.
You are soo prompt.
I’ve looked through some of the youtube tutorials, but the batmobile is very cartoony/plum..not very realistic. The very realistic one comes from Yeneers Way, but not keen on buying the tutorial/or to become member.
Paul is quite funny with his little stories and errors on his work, in which of course he remedied them in front of us, so to speak.
I will make a request by writing. Thanks.
Did you see this one: http://www.craftsy.com/project/view/batmobile-car/148358
The creator is willing to share her techniques if you email her on the given email address in that link.
Hopefully Paul will be able to help . His prefered way is to download images to use as templates as shown in all his 3D vehicle cake tutorials. 🙂