Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked October 16th 2017

Beginner kit

I am completely new to this! What essential items do you recommend for a beginner kit? Initially just for me, learning at home. Thank you.


Hi Rachela

As a beginner the most important items apart from an oven and oven thermometer are a set of good heavy duty baking pans like Invicta brand. However, there are many other brands which may suit a beginners budget better, so buy the best which you can afford. The most popular size for beginners is size 8″ and 6″ round. this can be built upon as your baking skills improve. For a list of decorating tools please see here:

Tools – Overview

An electric hand or stand mixer, although not a requirement, will make life a great deal easier for mixing up cake batters and save you a lot of heavy muscle power!
……. and for a very comprehensive introduction to this craft please view all the free tutorials by Paul here:

Free Cake Decorating Courses

Everything else can be purchased as you go along and as required. There’s no rush, just take your time to master each skill before spending out.

Good luck and please post again if you need more information. ๐Ÿ™‚


Thank you, thatโ€™s very helpful ?

Iโ€™m working my way through the tutorials whilst looking after my two little ones (both under 2!) but looking forward to learning some new skills.


You really do have your hands full with your babies! However, it’s good to learn new skills and have a stimulating interest which you could share with your little ones as they get older. It may end up being a lucrative business one day ….. you never know ๐Ÿ™‚ ! Enjoy the tutorials.

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