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asked April 14th 2016

Best work surface

Hi all

I’m having an area built for my cake decorating – is it worth having part of the work tops made with a non stick material for fondant rolling and if yes what is best? Or should I just invest in a non stick board?

Any recommendations for either would be really appreciated.

Thank you!


Hi all

I’m having an area built for my cake decorating – is it worth having part of the work tops made with a non stick material for fondant rolling and if yes what is best? Or should I just invest in a non stick board?

Any recommendations for either would be really appreciated.

Thank you!


Hi Taniajf

If you are having a specific area just for your cake decorating it may pay to install stainless steel worktop as used in professional kitchens. However if it’s going to be part of your daily kitchen, you might like to think how that would impact on the aesthetic line of the room. I think most home bakers choose a practical and durable surface which can be kept clean. I have granite surfaces and use a large non stick board for rolling out sugarpaste. I also use the mat, which is non stick, for rolling out and lifting very large sheets of paste. Smaller non stick boards are useful for making models on or for rolling out less quanities of paste and for flowerpaste work. From a personal point of view, there is nothing worse than having to struggle for space in a dual purpose kitchen. What would be practical is, to have shelving under your counter where large boards and rolling pins can be stored effectively and cleanly and to install dedicated cupboards for ingredients other decorating equipment.
Obviouly this is my personal opinion and others may have different ideas.


Thank you for getting back to me – I’m have Nov a purpose built shed made next to the house in the garden – it’s 12ft long and 5ft 6 wide – i do t want it to look to sterile tho so maybe a large board is the way to go, I have the small ones for flowers and modelling – how big do they go up to? I’ve been thinking about the mat but seen mixed reviews, do you find it works well?

Thank you for ideas for space and shelving I need lots of ideas as I want to get it right first time!

Thank you again x


Wow!! lucky you getting such a lovely space for your cakes, so yes you do want to get it right!
Have a peek here at all the different suppliers and sizes for nonstick work board.
You can make a more informed decision if you can see them yourself.

I have three different sizes of the mat. The original plain mat (which I don’t like), the mini mat and the home mat. I really would struggle if I didn’t have the home mat. I still use the plain one, it comes in handy. I don’t have the PRO mat because I don’t need it. You can see further details on all of them here:

Other ideas: Google search and in google images ‘storage ideas for cake decorating ribbons’
Also, if you are signed up with pinterest look here for some absolutely fabulous ideas:
Once you have your space you will get a natural feel for what you need. You may want to consider a separate cake fridge and freezer depending how many cakes you do and if you are planning to be in business.
I don’t do cakes as a business and I don’t have a cake room but I do understand the importance of having all the essentials. I have a separate fridge and freezer for cakes, it just makes life so much easier not to worry about any kind of cross contamination with normal kitchen foods. If you are going into cakes as a business, your local environmental health dept will be able to give you much more advice. I would also highly recommend joining up for the Pro courses taught by David and Paul. The courses will teach you everything you need to know about saving money immediately on your expenditure for your new space.
Please ignore if you are already signed up as you will already know about the huge savings!

Hope some of this information helps. Really good luck with your new cake space and please post again to say how you’re getting along! I’m sooo excited for you!! x 🙂

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