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asked September 6th 2013

bicarb soda

hi Paul, just wonder is bicarb soda same as baking powder?


hi Paul, just wonder is bicarb soda same as baking powder?


Hi njuktjhuitjhij

Bicarb soda and baking soda are both leavings but work in different ways. Baking soda works to release carbon dioxide when the batter heats up or where there is acid in the batter such as yogurt or buttermilk. Baking powder starts releasing it’s carbon dioxide as soon it dissolves in liquid batter. They are often used together but not always .interchangable. If your recipe asks for bicarb it is better to follow the instructions to obtain best baking results. If your recipe uses baking powder try and get your cake into the oven as quickly as possible because delaying could result in cakes not rising to their best potential.

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