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asked May 15th 2016

Bubbles in buttercream

Hi All
I’ve been pulling my hair out lately with lots of bubbles in my sugarpaste.. However when I ve tried lots of different things I realised its actually lots of little bubbles in my buttercream and not the sugarpaste at all, has anyone experienced this and any tips on how to stop the little pests?


Hi All
I’ve been pulling my hair out lately with lots of bubbles in my sugarpaste.. However when I ve tried lots of different things I realised its actually lots of little bubbles in my buttercream and not the sugarpaste at all, has anyone experienced this and any tips on how to stop the little pests?


Hi Scarlet

Sounds like the buttercream has been overbeaten or beaten too fast for too long causing millions of little bubbles, like froth, to form. Are you using a paddle attachment or the whisk attachment? If it’s a whisk, change over to the paddle. Beat more slowly to reduce the risk of over aerating the icing. Ingredients should look creamy and white but not bubbly. I always add a tablespoon of hot water at the start of beating. It helps to bring the ingredients together more quickly, reducing the beating time and some of the grittiness . Once the icing is made, divide it into two bowls and paddle it from side to side with either a broad spatula or a plastic scraper. This will pop and even out some of the bubbles which are currently causing you problems. Have a go and let me know how you get on. x


Thank you MIWL. I’ll definitely give that a go. I use a a paddle attachment but it is probably the speed so I ll turn it right down and try the water too as well as the spatula advice X

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