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asked September 17th 2012

Bun cases coming away from the buns

Hi everyone, does anyone know why bun cases come away from the buns ? It dosnt happen all the time, so I cant pin point the reason or anything I am doing


Hi everyone, does anyone know why bun cases come away from the buns ? It dosnt happen all the time, so I cant pin point the reason or anything I am doing


Hi Dreamtimecakes

This sometimes happens if the buns are kept in the baking tins for just a little too long before removing. Cool buns on a wire cooling tray as soon as you can, try using better quality baking cases and use cardboard boxes for storing them in. Hope some of these suggestions help


I used to get this problem occasionally too, very annoying. I think it’s sometimes the fault of the paper cases, try a different brand.


Hi, I had this problem and read around the subject – I bought better quality bun cases (I stick to the foil lined ones now) and also added a bit of milk to the mixture to loosen it. I don’t have the problem anymore!

Mrs Jones’ recipe for cupcakes is the same as the one I’ve been using for a while (although I add one egg less but more milk) and they come out great!

Good luck.


Thank you for your feed back ladies, I think it is when I use fancy cases , I baked 120 buns at school today with plain white standard muffin cases and didnt have a single one come away !


Hi All
Re peeling cupcake cases. I have been reading your comments and other sites with interest as peeling cases have been a real pain so decided to my own little experiment taking into account all the discussions and possible reasons and solutions.
I used the Mrs Jones cupcake recipe that is on this site. Lovely vanilla taste, good even rise. 20 mins at 150 fan oven. I used a ice cream scoop for applying the batter to the case.
Some I kept in the muffin tin for 10 mins then removed to the rack, some that left in the tin until cold, some I took out immediately and onto the rack and some I applied sugar syrup to then to the rack. I used Easy Bake bright muffin cases. Some I stored in Tupperware and some under a clean tea towel when cool.
After all the different techniques, not one of the cupcakes peeled away from the cases. The common denominator is that each cupcake was stirred a little in the case so that the batter touched the sides. Thinking about it now, I only started having a problem with peeling cup cases when I started to use a ice cream scoop as a measure. Not sure this is the answer but worth a try and maybe try a little experiment yourselves. Hope this helps.

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