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butter icing and ganach
How long will a madeira cake filled with butter icing and covered with ganach and fondant icing last, trying to plan for delivery
How long will a madeira cake filled with butter icing and covered with ganach and fondant icing last, trying to plan for delivery
Hello annie1234
Depending on recipe and baking conditions, madeira cake will last for approximately two weeks from baking to eating once covered in ganache and icing. Store in a cool place.
Hope this helps.
Thank you
Can you tell me how much ganache will I need to make to cover a 4 layer 8″ cake ?
Hi annie1234
The information in my first answer to you is inaccurate. Madeira cake lasts two weeks form baking to eating before ganache and icing. Once ganached, it will be fine for approx 5 -7 days because the ganache contains dairy.
I apologise for any inconveinence this may have caused you. I was rushing out of the door when I gave my answer and wasn’t thinking straight.
To calculate the amount of ganache you need, you can either use the site calculator here:
Or use my charts here https://www.cakeflix.com/carry-on-ganaching-new-charts-and-recipes
click on the information which says for 2 fillings. The data in the calculator is exactly the same as in the charts, use which ever you find easiest.
If you need any help with the calculations please post again.