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Buttercream going soft after freezing
I made a cake and covered it with buttercream with added ganache, I froze it and took out today to defrost , the buttercream is very soft and I thought it would remain firm, if it is like this tomorrow should I put it in the fridge to harden up a bit before I put sugarpaste on it, the last one I did didn’t go like this.
I made a cake and covered it with buttercream with added ganache, I froze it and took out today to defrost , the buttercream is very soft and I thought it would remain firm, if it is like this tomorrow should I put it in the fridge to harden up a bit before I put sugarpaste on it, the last one I did didn’t go like this.
Hi nicky223
This is a very late answer, how is your buttercream? has it set up in the fridge?
I expect the dew from defrosting has softened the buttercream but it should firm up again once all the moisture evaporates.
Thank you for your answer, I didn’t put it in the fridge but thankfully it did harden up again, it must have been the dew, I love the advice you get on this page, and adding the ganache to buttercream is a great time saver.