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asked December 9th 2013

buttercream icing under fondant


I was wondering if anyone would be able to help. I was wanting to do the exploding santa cake but my children find ganache too rich. is it possible to use buttercream underneath the fondant. If it is how long would you leave it before icing?



I was wondering if anyone would be able to help. I was wanting to do the exploding santa cake but my children find ganache too rich. is it possible to use buttercream underneath the fondant. If it is how long would you leave it before icing?


Hello elanorf

It’s fine to use butter cream under fondant just let it set up really hard in the fridge. Follow Paul’s ganache method to smooth and flatten it down with a hot palette knife and let it set up again. How long it takes to set up depends on how cold your fridge is. Once the butter cream is solid you’re good to ice. Keep the cake in a cool environment once decorated but not in the fridge.

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