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asked July 16th 2012

Buttercream instead of ganache

Could you use buttercream instead of the ganache for the wrap cake?



Could you use buttercream instead of the ganache for the wrap cake?



Hi there,

I think with the wrap cake you would need to use genache to hold the modelling chocolate ‘wraps’ in place, as genache sets a lot firmer than buttercream. I have never made the chocolate wrap cake myself though, so maybe someone with past experience making it would have a better informed answer!



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I’d prefer to use ganache purely as it sets So much more firmer especially as they are stacked and carved.  You could prossibly use buttercream but it wouldn’t give the same strength for thechocolate paste to rest on. My buttercream usually stays soft and can bash easily if I was to touch it. Ganache is pretty much firm but still easy to cut into. If that makes any sense lol

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