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asked February 25th 2015

Buttercream on a marzpian cake?

Hi I have been asked to make a 10 Tier wedding cake which will be laid out on the table in various heights.
The design i have been given is that all the tiers are covered in buttercream, but the bride to be would like one of the tiers in Rich Fruit cake.
Can you cover a fruit cake that has marzipan on it with Buttercream??
thank you x


Hi I have been asked to make a 10 Tier wedding cake which will be laid out on the table in various heights.
The design i have been given is that all the tiers are covered in buttercream, but the bride to be would like one of the tiers in Rich Fruit cake.
Can you cover a fruit cake that has marzipan on it with Buttercream??
thank you x


Thank you so much, i think i will give it a try as you suggested and let you know the outcome x


Hi annascakes

Lots of decorators use a light covering of marzipan on buttercream coated sponge cakes so I guess there’s no reason why it can’t be done with fruit cake. I’d be worried at how sickly sweet it will all be.
To make absolutely certain of how each element reacts with one another, how about buying a small fruit cake and trying it out? Inspect the trial cake for at least four or five days for any discolouration. This way you’ll be absolutely certain that no reaction between each element is taking place. I’ve never done it with a fruit cake so I don’t have first hand knowledge of how it would be. My motto is ‘If in doubt, try it out!’ hope this helps. xx


Your feed back will be great, that’s how we all learn from one another. Once it’s on the site we can refer to it each time another member has a similar question. Thanks Anna x


I don’t use marzipan on fruitcake, but a few years ago, Wilton published a recipe for chocolate fruitcake with candymelts used for candy clay on one that I substituted buttercream instead and loved it. the link for the recipe is

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