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asked May 29th 2012

Buying an oven

Hi there,

I have st up a small cake  business in a rented house.  I now find the need to buy a new oven. I was looking at the blue seal turbofan single phase electricity but i am unsure.  Could you please recommend one.  The ordinary everyday ones will only bake one item at a time so i was looking for something a little bigger.


Hi there,

I have st up a small cake  business in a rented house.  I now find the need to buy a new oven. I was looking at the blue seal turbofan single phase electricity but i am unsure.  Could you please recommend one.  The ordinary everyday ones will only bake one item at a time so i was looking for something a little bigger.


Sorry can’t give advice on which oven.  I made a mistake of buying a 14″ tin only to find it wouldn’t fit in my oven.  So just make sure the oven you purchase will take the largest cake you are going to bake.

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