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asked June 14th 2016

Cake Has Dipped in the middle

Hi, if a cake has dipped slightly in the middle, can I build it up with ganache of buttercream to level it out before icing it with sugar paste?


Hi, if a cake has dipped slightly in the middle, can I build it up with ganache of buttercream to level it out before icing it with sugar paste?


Hi Natasha888

First make sure that it has baked all the way through. Cakes can sometimes fall or dip if they are not completely cooked through. Of course there are many other reasons why a cake dips and this may not be the problem with your cake. If it is baked all the way through, yes it can be filled and levelled off with ganache. However, instead of filling and leveling the dip just turn the cake over and use the bottom of the cake as the top. This side will be flat and easier to ganache and ice.

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