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Cake Sketch/Design Software
Does anyone have anything they use/can recommend? My hand drawn sketches are not much better than a child drawing a stick man so looking for something a bit more professional!
Yvonne x
Does anyone have anything they use/can recommend? My hand drawn sketches are not much better than a child drawing a stick man so looking for something a bit more professional!
Yvonne x
Hi Yvonne
I can’t personally recommend one. However back in 2014 I seem to remember discussions on Paul’s facebook page for such software. Someone was recommending Liz Marek’s software which she had introduced at that time. Since then of course many more have been developed. If you search in youtube ‘cake design software’ you see loads. Many are free so you can try them out. Make a similar search in google to see others. I’ve scrolled through Paul’s 2014 posts on FB but I can’t find that particular one. Perhaps you might have better luck finding it providing it hasn’t been removed.
Good luck!
Thanks MIWL x