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cake structure.. help!
Hello all,
I am trying to make a cake that would require building an internal structure to help it stand, its a tall guinness glass cake (extra large) and it would need to be stable enough for travel…. I would like to know what to look for in the hardware store to help…. I tried buying the 19mm curtain rail flange thing but found it difficult to get a 19mm fitting pipe…. got a 19mm wooden dowel but it doesnt fit properly… any advice please …. also with building structures… can it be built on a regular cake board/drum or does it have to be mdf board?
Hello all,
I am trying to make a cake that would require building an internal structure to help it stand, its a tall guinness glass cake (extra large) and it would need to be stable enough for travel…. I would like to know what to look for in the hardware store to help…. I tried buying the 19mm curtain rail flange thing but found it difficult to get a 19mm fitting pipe…. got a 19mm wooden dowel but it doesnt fit properly… any advice please …. also with building structures… can it be built on a regular cake board/drum or does it have to be mdf board?
Hi Emma Jay
There are several tutorials online which show how to make an extra tall guinness glass cake. Here is just one example: http://ofcakesandcupcake.blogspot.co.uk/2010/11/1st-post.html
If you are based in the UK, Sturdy cake stackers make a simple stacking system for travel which you can see here: http://www.sturdycakestackers.com/
Alternatively, it is possible to make a safe tall cake by dowelling each layer as the structure gains in height and then driving a centre pole through right down to the bottem board. If a central pole is used, it will be crucially important to make the centre holes accurately in each cake board so they all line up for the pole to be inserted.
In the UK, cake drums are used as base boards. Paul has several tutorials on tall cakes which which may be of help. Take a peek at the double barrel cake tutorial https://www.cakeflix.com/online-cake-decorating-courses/paul-covering-a-cake This shows how to make a tall, heavy structure using dowelling method and cake drum. It does not show a centre pole method.
If you are unable to purchase cake drums, something like an mdf board can be used or anything else which will not bend and twist. If you have a friendly woodworker or a hardware store near you, they may be willing to make a structure for you. It won’t take long and they will have all the correct items. Please ensure all items are made food safe before coming into contact with cake.
Please let me know if you need more information.
Thanks for your response