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asked September 24th 2013

Cake tin query for teddy cake

Hi guys…made the cake on a course with Paul last weekend…going to give it a bash at home but need to buy a 10″x 10″ tin……..there is a 3″ and 4″ deep one on the online shop….which one should I go for?


Hi guys…made the cake on a course with Paul last weekend…going to give it a bash at home but need to buy a 10″x 10″ tin……..there is a 3″ and 4″ deep one on the online shop….which one should I go for?


If you are going to want to make many cakes in the future you might want to look up Silverwood cake tins. I bought a 10″ square with two dividers 30 years ago and it’s still good as new. I believe they are now 12″. Recommend you buy extra dividers if you can. Then there’s practically no limitations to what sizes you bake. Eg 4 x6″ cakes all in the oven at once. So time and energy saving.


Hello Mrscloudy1

In the UK cake tins are usually 3″ deep. the tutorial cakes I believe are 3″ deep, if you decided on 4″ deep you may have to adjust the recipe to suit the pan.


Thanks both for your answer…….only home baker so the one tin would probably suffice for now, and the 3″ much cheaper than the 4 so happy happy all round! X

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