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Callebaut milk chocolate
Hi This is the best chocolate I have ever used .I saw that you used this kind .Where do you buy yours. Do you knot if costco sell it ?
Hi This is the best chocolate I have ever used .I saw that you used this kind .Where do you buy yours. Do you knot if costco sell it ?
Hi Woodysmum
Depending on how much you use, there are many suppliers to choose from. For bulk buys try here : http://www.hbingredients.co.uk/
For other suppliers google ‘Callebaut chocolate’. I use Cake decorating company and Chocolate trading company. I use small amounts these days so these two companies are great for my needs. Shop around though, prices do vary. 🙂
You’re welcome 🙂
I got mine from Makro online last time, as other vendor charge expensive delivery fees.
I forgot to mention that it can be purchased on Amazon with free delivery in the UK.
Hope this helps.
Thank you ladies I will have a look .