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asked January 15th 2017

can you refreeze cake

Hi all,

whats the rules on re freezing cake is it a yay or nay ?

I make my cakes about a week or so in advance and freeze. so once thawed decorated etc etc and the cakes gone and been served up can the customer freeze the left over ?

Thanks in advance xx


Hi all,

whats the rules on re freezing cake is it a yay or nay ?

I make my cakes about a week or so in advance and freeze. so once thawed decorated etc etc and the cakes gone and been served up can the customer freeze the left over ?

Thanks in advance xx


Hi AngieH

Its not advisable to re freeze cake once it has been defrosted. It has to treated as any other food which has already been defrosted. I asked about this very thing at my local environmental health dept a few years back and was told it was not best practice. It can of course be kept refrigerated. Perhaps your customer can give guests a nice piece of cake to take home to enjoy later. Hope this helps.

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