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When I try and view the lessons for Jimmy Choo tutorial, I can’t see them?
Hi Tomandhen123
I’ve just viewed the Jimmy Choo tutorial and all lessons are working fine. Could you please try it again making sure that your are logged on to the site. There’s other advice which might help in the technical support section here:
It may be that you have a slow internet connection which you can test in the link provided or you may need to update flashplayer. There’s lots of other advice there which hopefully will resolve your problem.
If you still have problems after following the advice given in the above link, please contact the site for further help using the links in that section. Hope you’re up and viewing soon. x
Hi, I can view the tutorial on my I phone but not on my laptop, don’t know why? All other tutorials are fine. Had the same problem recently with the Frankenstein tutorial and now that’s ok.
Just getting a blank screen where the video should be playing, very frustrating!
Have you updated the flashplayer? that’s what it sounds like to me. You can update it in the technical support link.
Where do I find the technical support link?
In my first answer right under your question. Or go to the bottom of this page and click on help and support. Then go to the technical support under the heading ‘lesson playback’ and click on the red link which say ‘what do I do if the video doesn’t play’.
Please let me know if you have found and accessed it.
I have looked at this and it says that flash player is automatically updated. Cant understand why its only the Jimmy Choo tutorial and the other tutorials which are given on that page, which are Topsy Turvy, and Chloe hand bag tutorials. Cant see these aswell
Ok, may be it’s a problem at the site end so please email them now and tell them exactly what you have said in your last answer.
Contact the site either via the help and support section or here:
They’ll get back to you with a soloution.