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asked April 16th 2016

cat cake airbrush ideas

Hi Paul I have been asked to do a tabby cat cake .I have bought a airbrush machine but just need some advice or do you have such a cake in your courses.Thank you
Marg Coxon


Hi Paul I have been asked to do a tabby cat cake .I have bought a airbrush machine but just need some advice or do you have such a cake in your courses.Thank you
Marg Coxon


Hi Marg

Unfortunately Paul doesn’t have a cat cake in the courses library as yet. However there are several tutorials on the site which show how to airbrush. Have a look at all the carved animal cakes, some from Paul and others from guest tutors. Here’s a starting point:
If you scroll all the way down past the comments section in that tutorial you be linked to others, all using airbrushing techniques. To see a similar queston to your’s have a peek here for a few more ideas:

How to make cat 3D cake

Hope some of the information helps.

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