Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked November 20th 2015

Changes to site

For health reasons I havn’t accessed your site for some time. I know that the payments are still coming out although I am not sure what I have access to any more. The site seems to have undergone a few changes. Any help you can give would be gratefully received. I was sure that there used to be more lessons available and not for sale individually.




For health reasons I havn’t accessed your site for some time. I know that the payments are still coming out although I am not sure what I have access to any more. The site seems to have undergone a few changes. Any help you can give would be gratefully received. I was sure that there used to be more lessons available and not for sale individually.




Hi Ann

If you pay premium subscription you can access everything on the site except for the Pro section. If you are a Pro member you can access everything on site. Please take a look at the membership level to determine which payment you are making here:

Membership Options

Individual tutorials can be purchased by registered members who do not wish to subscribe monthy or yearly and can buy one off tutorials which they are interested in to view for life without paying more. Please take a look to see how individual purchases work here:

As a subscribing member you are not charged for anything extra while your subscription is being paid. The tutorial content of the site has not reduce, nothing is ever removed from the site. If you feel my answer has not adequately covered your question, please email a member of admin for more information using this form:

I hope you are feeling better. x

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