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asked March 14th 2016

Changing a recipe with Self rising flour to Plain/All Purpose Flour – Toffee Cake – HELP!

I have made the toffee cake below found on this forum and need some help
Butter/golden syrup/dark brown syrup – 467g
Self – rising flour – 700g
Eggs – 6/7
Milk – 5 tbl
Esspresso powder – 1 tsp
I have tried this recipe 4 times and while it tastes great, it always sinks in the middle.
Has anyone tried this recipe with plain flour? If so any suggestions for baking powder? I tried using 1 tbl baking powder / 1/2 tsp baking soda with 700g All purpose flour ( I live in the US). It still sank.
I would appreciate any assistance. Thanks!


I have made the toffee cake below found on this forum and need some help
Butter/golden syrup/dark brown syrup – 467g
Self – rising flour – 700g
Eggs – 6/7
Milk – 5 tbl
Esspresso powder – 1 tsp
I have tried this recipe 4 times and while it tastes great, it always sinks in the middle.
Has anyone tried this recipe with plain flour? If so any suggestions for baking powder? I tried using 1 tbl baking powder / 1/2 tsp baking soda with 700g All purpose flour ( I live in the US). It still sank.
I would appreciate any assistance. Thanks!


Hi rhayford

Catherine’s recipe asks for self raising flour and no additional leavening (baking soda)
In the absence of self raising flour here is how to make it from all purpose to use in her recipe.

Catherine’s recipe has had good reviews from other members who have used self raising flour. It is possible your problem may be due to the addtional half teaspoon of baking soda. Try leaving it out in your next bake to see if that makes a difference. The recipe is baked at 135c.

A few other reasons why cakes sink include opening the oven door too soon before the centre has had a chance to set. If a batter is over aerated it can cause sinking. Oven temperature which is too low will prevent the centre of the cake rising. Oven temperature too high will make the centre rise too fast and cause a collaspe. Centre of cake not baked. Leavening which may have become damp at some point or if it is beyond it’s use by date. Too much leavening. Too much sugar is another possibility.

Hope this helps. If you bake this recipe again, your feed back on how it turned out would be greatly appreciated. Good luck with next bake!

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