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asked March 24th 2013

Chocolate cakes dipping

I have followed Paul recipe down to a t for the moist chocolate cake which is lovely but it dips in the middle sometimes while its in the oven and sometimes when it’s out iv had four attempts now and they are just unusable for any sugar work too uneven. Please help xx


I have followed Paul recipe down to a t for the moist chocolate cake which is lovely but it dips in the middle sometimes while its in the oven and sometimes when it’s out iv had four attempts now and they are just unusable for any sugar work too uneven. Please help xx


I had this problem with my chocolate cake. I stopped overbeating and that seemed to work


Hi Louise

I was just wondering whether you’ve had a look at the many comments for this recipe. There have been different results for different people and the feed back has been extremely helpful. You might find it helpful to have a read through some of the comments, hints and tips. In particular you may find the comment by Michelle Jones here http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/pauls-moist-chocolate-cake-my-feed-back/page/5 helpful. You’ll find the comments under the heading Popular questions, click on it and then scroll down and go to 5. The comment is about the third from bottom of the page. The recipe can be challenging, it does dip slightly, when I have baked it my cake finishes about 2.5 inches tall so plenty to work with. I hope you’ll read through the comments and find them useful. x

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